Meet the Band

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Website –

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MySpace –

Pat Powell has vocally supported many of Australia’s top recording artists over the years including Kylie Minogue, James Freud, Jenny Morris, Toni Pearen, Tina Arena, Margaret Urlich, Max Q(Michael Hutchence) and Paul Mac to name a few. He is a singer with serious street cred and has fronted many successful bands including Club Ska, Sly-Tone, TenWedge, Neptune Street and all have led to international supports from Queen, The Eurythmics and James Brown to Sidney Youngblood, Technotronic, Luciano and Horace Andy.
At present he sings with The Ska Vendors, The Pat Powell Band, Chocolate Jazz, The Violent Loves and The Bridie King Band plus he’s a session singer/vocal coach/voiceover artist whilst freelancing in other projects in the Jazz, Blues, Funk and Reggae arenas. Pat has a voice that will take you on a journey you hope never ends… strong dark, powerful, mesmerising.

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Ska Vendors –

Steven Montgomery- Vocals, dance moves and rabble rousing. I’ve been a self-confessed ska tragic for over 35 years, I am loving the Melbourne Ska Orchestra vibe. I’m a front man in my own right with a wee Melbourne band, The Ska Vendors. Dancing, yelping and feeling the music are all part of the show. I was fortunate enough to lead the Orchestra on a momentous tour of Chile in 2011 and I feel truly blessed to be part of the Orchestra.

This is Melbourne Ska!

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After 35 years as a musician I have been lucky enough to have been able to work with a lot of great Melbourne musicians across many genres. Now as part of the MSO engine room I’m having as much fun as ever as we blend different styles with a Jamaican twist.

For the curious here are some of the bands/artists I’ve worked with – Bomba, Ross Wilson, George Rrurrambu, John Butler, Bustamento, Joe Camilleri, Vince Jones, Kia Kaha, Black Coffee, Man Friday, Joe Geia, Kerry Simpson, Randy and the Roots, Duppy Conquerors.

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